
We repeat what we don't repair.

Have you ever noticed the same things happening in your life over and over again? The same relationships, conflicts, pain and people – just in different physical forms? Why does this keep happening? Why do we feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day?

Silver tube labeled 'REPAIR' fixing colorful segments of a circle on a white background.

It keeps happening to shine a light on what needs to be repaired within ourselves. Our automated beliefs and unconscious behavioral patterns create our reality. Although at one time they might have served us, perhaps they no longer do.

When we become aware of belief systems holding us back, this presents an opportunity to change the narrative and rewrite the next chapters. Because what we don't repair, we repeat – and until we do, life will keep sending us the same tasks with a memo attached: pay attention!  

When we change, everything changes.
May 8, 2024
May 16, 2024
Published by //
Nina Haberlehner
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