
What is stopping you?

Coaching helps you explore possibilities that you might not see yet and identify roadblocks and limiting beliefs that prevent you from achieving your goals, and also supports you in tapping into hidden resources.

Coaching changes you.

Image of a glass bowl filled with different colored pieces mimicking the 3 C's of Nina Haberlehner's Logo. On the bottom three main pieces of the 3C-logo are put together and the logo is complete. Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.

Room for reflection,
not judgment

Changing perspective
& finding motivation

Identifying limiting

Self-determined decisions with conviction



Life is about making conscious choices and realizing every decision you make is a trade-off, not just for your money but more importantly for your time, energy and aspirations. Coaching can help you fall in love with your decisions, yourlife and yourself.

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
Henry DavidThoreau

The best of you

Let’s identify roadblocks, tap into inner and outer resources that you may have forgotten already exist, take a look at your values and calibrate them to who you are now! We tackle limiting beliefs and build a vision so enticing that you have no other choice but to go for it. We go face to face with your inner saboteurs and build up confidence that is sustainable, because not only will you learn to believe in yourself, you’ll actually fall in love with yourself – and not in a creepy way ;)

It’s never too late to meet the best of you!

Image of a cluster of black umbrellas with one single  white umbrella sticking out that displays Nina Haberlehner's 3C-logo; Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.

Level best leadership

As a manager, you’re asked to juggle many balls at the same time while keeping your team motivated and your business targets in check. The catch? Figuring out how to deal with stress, conflicts and crises without losing inspiration or yourself. Or how to keep growing your own skills and tending to your own aspirations at the same time.

This is where solution-oriented leadership coaching comes in.
I accompany and secure you on your ascent to the summit and help you support your team while remaining in balance with yourself.

Image of a climbing rope with a pink, a yellow and a blue carabiner mimicking Nina Haberlehner's 3C-logo. Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.

Vitamin C

A big dose of Vitamin C, C as in confidence and courage that is – this is often the one ingredient that’s missing on our way to reaching our goals and making our dreams reality. Unfortunately, we cannot order this particular vitamin online or ask our friends if they have a little left over from the last time we celebrated a win.

We need to tackle fear head-on: fear of failure, rejection, of not being good enough or being disliked, and sometimes even fear of success.

Let’s get to work and channel your strengths!

Image of a blue spray can that reads "courage". Its cap is designed like Nina Haberlehner's 3C-logo. On the white wall behind the spray can is the word "maybe" crossed out and overwritten with the word "done". Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.

Roadblock release

“I want to, but I can’t. Really. I tried.” There is only one reply: there are more roads than roadblocks. Let’s identify yours, check out some different perspectives and see what’s there. Sometimes all it takes is to let go of something else. And sometimes it’s realizing what it is you actually long for. That might be scary at first, but I’ll be supporting you along the way.

So, for now let’sstart with: I can’t YET. And then give me a call and we’ll start breakingdown the roadblock.

Image of various  white staircases leading nowhere and one leading to an exit  door marked by Nina Haberlehner's 3C-logo. It reads "need an exit"; Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.

Crossroad dilemma

Everybody finds themselves at a crossroad from time to time, and standing right next to us we find the conflict of decisions. What to choose? What’s right for me? Can I do this? Am I choosing this path out of fear disguised as practicality or because it is what I truly want?

Let’s find out and design your personal game plan on how to get there!

Image of a traffic sign featuring Nina Haberlehner’s 3C-logo at a crossroad. The main roads leads to the sign giving the option of either turning right or left and hinting that there is a decision dilemma; Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.
Personal epiphanies

Nina is synonymous with personal epiphanies. A conversation with her is like eating popping candy, sweet and in the end it catches you by surprise. What makes her unique is how she listens attentively, uses her intuition, genuine interest and enormous wealth of experiences to turn a notion into an amazing idea followed by actions that suit me and my business the most. She is able to turn abstract concepts into tangible steps and transform them into a new culture.

Ines-Kuniko Mogami Gonzalez
Founder Augmented You
Squishing insecurities

Nina completely surpassed all expectations I had of coaching. She took all my insecurities and squished them right before my eyes, then taught me how to do the same.

Sabina Firtala
Data Scientist Frontline
Enriching and fulfilling

Nina is a brilliant coach! Her wealth of ideas and creative enthusiasm are contagious and inspirational. She showed me how to identify and use my potential, resources and opportunities more precisely. Her purposeful questions led me through my personal challenges and toward motivating solutions with great specificity and empathy. After each session with her I began my day enriched and fulfilled.

Monika Scheffer
Network marketing entrepreneur
Achieving goals

I have left every session with Nina a truly happier person. We have achieved goals together that I didn't even know I could set for myself.

Alexander Brenner
Berger Ettel Rechtsanwälte
A lifesaver

Nina is a lifesaver. My journey with her has led me out of the chaos that was my life. Her ability to find the right words even in my saddest moments and her special gift of empathy are truly unique and have helped me find my way. Building block by building block, she has worked with me to sort through the chaos and guide me safely to my destination.

Christa Schnellrieder
Graphic designer
Unwaveringly positive energy

One of Nina's most remarkable attribute is her unwaveringly positive energy and infectious enthusiasm. Her vibrant personality infuses every project with a sense of drive and determination, empowering me to tackle challenges of any magnitude with confidence.

Aleksey Igudesman
Violinist, composer, conductor, actor, filmmaker, and entrepreneur
Finding clarity

I began the journey with Nina hoping to clarify my career path. In my sessions with her, I not only clarified that, but also what I actually wanted out of life.

Sabina Firtala
Data Scientist Frontline

Stress management

It usually starts with not feeling motivated, on top of your game or even like yourself anymore. Pressure keeps building up and the to-do list appears to be growing relentlessly. And then there’s this convincing voice telling you that that’s oh so normal. “That’s how managers roll!” Having been the CMO for a global player for almost a decade, I know all about it.

Sometimes, a happy-and-successful-manager life cycle is shockingly similar to the life span of a company’s cash cow. In order to maintain its profitability - and your inspiration - it is essential to rethink and invest.

Let’s work on bringing balance, joy and even more effectiveness back into your system – or at least let’s take a look at what is keeping you tossing and turning at night. Today!

Image of a white batterie charger with one empty glass battery next to it. The design is mimicking Nina Haberlehner's 3C-logo; Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner |  Coaching. Consulting. Creative.
Words only take on meaning when they are translated into actions. What’s right for you?
Coaching or consulting?