
Set goals, not results.

Why thinking about the end hinders the beginning and why if we try to plan all the steps ahead of us, we won’t take the first one.

Image of a white telescope with a three colored rim, mimicking Nina Haberlehner's 3C-logo. Image created by Martin Weinknecht, idea by Nina Haberlehner | Coaching. Consulting. Creative.

Sound familiar? You have a dream, yet all the roadblocks and obstacles you anticipate make it impossible to envision the path to your goal. "It will never work!” After all, if you try to predict the outcome and every step of the way in advance and solve every potential little obstacle that may present itself, this goal will become so big and insurmountable that you most likely won’t even dare to take the first step. As a result, you give up before you've even started.

But what are you overlooking?

Your path is not a still image, frozen in time.

As you move towards your goal, you will change and encounter unforeseeable possibilities. Each step you take leads to something new. Opportunities and helping hands come into view that you couldn't even see when you started. Ideas that you couldn't even hear at the beginning of your journey because you were still too far away become loud and clear. All those obstacles that you predicted either never show up or are suddenly easy to overcome.  

Thinking in terms of results is not inspiring or motivating.

We don't feel in numbers and results, we feel in images and stories.

Set yourself a clear, colorful, desirable, fun vision and then take the first step. You don’t have to know everything to get started, but you have to get started to find out.

May 18, 2024
Published by //
Nina Haberlehner
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